Academic Teaching
Université de Montpellier
Master 2 Statistique et Science des Données: Lecture
I did a small (Oct. 2024) to introduce Recurrent Neural Network in Deep Learning. Here is the application notebook on Natural Language Processing with a Julia version of the min-char-rnn
code with "À la recherche du temps perdu" (Marcel Proust) and all of Shakespeare.
Master 1 Statistique et Science des Données: Projects
Since 2023, I propose and supervised some small projects for the M1 SSD HAX817X. Previous projects were
Compare statistics of observed weather time series and the one obtained by climate models on historical period. (twice)
Weather extreme statistics close to nuclear power plants.
Median of Mean estimator: Theoretical and Empirical properties.
École Polytechnique – 2020-2022 – 63h total TD equivalent
In charge of "Small Class" tutorials on the subject MAP530 : Probability Refresher intended for Engineer 3A and Master 1 students of the Master X / HEC Data Science for Business. There were 4 sessions of 3 hours both face-to-face and in distance for groups of around 20 students.
Responsible for the MAA204 course: Introduction to Statistics intended for students of the second-year Bachelor cycle. I gave the 2-hour lectures to the 62 students and provided one of the three tutorials of 2 hours. Here are some notebooks using Julia that I used to illustrate my lectures. I was inspired by the great book Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Tutorial for the subject MAP361 : Aléatoire (Random) intended for first-year engineering students. Here is a notebook for the students to illustrate the PC3 concepts.
Polytech'Nice in Sophia-Antipolis – 2014-2017 – 63h each year
As a Doctorant Contractuels Chargés d'Enseignement, I taught the practical work of student physics of integrated preparation from engineering school.
I supervised a dozen students for 3 hours on different physics labs: Stirling engine, diffraction, interference, capacitor charge discharge, optics, statistical physics.
Lecturer at Spectral Methods for Complex Systems winter school
I participated as a lecturer to the online Winter School "Spectral Methods for Complex Systems" (January 2019) where I give an interlocutory talk (videos and slides are available) about spectral analysis in finite and infinite dimensional dynamical systems.