Academic Teaching

Université de Montpellier

Master 2 Statistique et Science des Données: Lecture

I did a small (Oct. 2024) to introduce Recurrent Neural Network in Deep Learning. Here is the application notebook on Natural Language Processing with a Julia version of the min-char-rnn code with "À la recherche du temps perdu" (Marcel Proust) and all of Shakespeare.

Master 1 Statistique et Science des Données: Projects

Since 2023, I propose and supervised some small projects for the M1 SSD HAX817X. Previous projects were

  • Compare statistics of observed weather time series and the one obtained by climate models on historical period. (twice)

  • Weather extreme statistics close to nuclear power plants.

  • Median of Mean estimator: Theoretical and Empirical properties.


École Polytechnique – 2020-2022 – 63h total TD equivalent


Polytech'Nice in Sophia-Antipolis – 2014-2017 – 63h each year

As a Doctorant Contractuels Chargés d'Enseignement, I taught the practical work of student physics of integrated preparation from engineering school.

I supervised a dozen students for 3 hours on different physics labs: Stirling engine, diffraction, interference, capacitor charge discharge, optics, statistical physics.


Lecturer at Spectral Methods for Complex Systems winter school

I participated as a lecturer to the online Winter School "Spectral Methods for Complex Systems" (January 2019) where I give an interlocutory talk (videos and slides are available) about spectral analysis in finite and infinite dimensional dynamical systems.

CC BY-SA 4.0 David Métivier. Last modified: December 16, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.